Thursday, February 10, 2011

iRun 1.2.1

Monday, 7th February 20eleven.
C25k week 1 day 4.
I have decided to start week one again.  For a program that is supposed to cater for anyone, week one is hard!  I have decided I preferred the motivation in Robert's podcast better than the beeps in the Podrunner podcast, although I have to say that it is slightly demoralising when he says after the sixth(?) run interval that you shouldn't be tired or out of breath... man, I'm almost collapsing on the ground by that stage!
After dinner we headed out as a family - my husband pushed the 2 year old in the pram.  Miss 5 decided that next time she should ride her bike instead of running because she found it difficult to keep up (she was doing better than me, but with a show-off husband/daddy who sprints off into the distance even while pushing a pram it made her a little reluctant).
I am happy to report that I managed to run at least half of all of the intervals (yay!).  I was pleasantly surprised with my efforts (which hubby attributes to his company) even though I wasn't moving as well as I would have liked.  I have noticed my Achilles (or some such muscle/tendon that runs up the back of your leg from you ankle) is really tight and doesn't allow me to run as freely as I first could but I am not letting that put me off.
I really enjoyed exercising as a family and we may have to make it a regular Monday night activity.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

iRun 1.3

Tuesday, 1st February 20eleven.
C25k week 1 day 3.

I woke up at 6:20am this morning, donned my running gear and headed out while hubby was getting ready for work.
I thought I would try out the Podrunner podcast this time because I have listened to the Robert Ullrey one twice already.  I liked the little beeps to tell you to run/walk but I think I prefer hearing some motivation and encouragement along the way.
I have discovered the benefit of keeping up the routine.  After a week where I wasn't able to get out for various reasons (Thursday and Saturday were both spent doing hard labour in the garden) I found it more difficult this morning - perhaps also because I was straight out of bed.
With the temperature already pushing 30*C (at 6:30am!) I decided not to push myself to the max, and ended up running 6 intervals (again starting with the full 60 seconds, then gradually decreasing) and walking the rest.
By the time I got home I felt like a ball of sweat and my face looked somewhat like a beetroot.  I was still sweating after my tepid shower.  If nothing else, interval training certainly raises your heart rate and works your muscles.
Despite my fears, I feel quite confident out running - I'm sure I look like a complete fool, but it makes me feel good to accomplish something good for my body.  Afterwards, despite being tired I feel quite energised and alert (must be the blood getting to my brain!) almost like I can take on anything.

iRun 1.2

Monday, 24th January 20eleven.
C25k week 1 day 2.

Hubby was home with some sort of tummy flu so at 4pm I gathered my things and readied myself to hit the pavement again.  My eager 5 year old decided she wanted to come with me, so together we set off to complete the 30 minute workout.  In the fashion of a typical 5 year old it went something along the lines of "when are we going to run?" "when can we stop?" "how much further?" "it's taking a long time", etc, etc.  When she started to run she had no concept of pacing herself - it was sprint or walk but she put in a good effort and despite having to push her a bit (when it's me that needs the pushing) she kept up with me.
Personally I was quite impressed with my effort.  This time I managed to go a further 100m (approx) which meant I added 200m to my total distance out and back.  I will have to measure how far I do actually travel - my guess would be about 2km?  Also  there was no fast-forwarding this time.  I managed to run at least 20seconds of each interval (the first full one then gradually getting less) except the last which I walked the whole time.
Recovery this time was much better too, because I was not nearly as stiff and sore as after my first attempt.