Tuesday, February 1, 2011

iRun 1.3

Tuesday, 1st February 20eleven.
C25k week 1 day 3.

I woke up at 6:20am this morning, donned my running gear and headed out while hubby was getting ready for work.
I thought I would try out the Podrunner podcast this time because I have listened to the Robert Ullrey one twice already.  I liked the little beeps to tell you to run/walk but I think I prefer hearing some motivation and encouragement along the way.
I have discovered the benefit of keeping up the routine.  After a week where I wasn't able to get out for various reasons (Thursday and Saturday were both spent doing hard labour in the garden) I found it more difficult this morning - perhaps also because I was straight out of bed.
With the temperature already pushing 30*C (at 6:30am!) I decided not to push myself to the max, and ended up running 6 intervals (again starting with the full 60 seconds, then gradually decreasing) and walking the rest.
By the time I got home I felt like a ball of sweat and my face looked somewhat like a beetroot.  I was still sweating after my tepid shower.  If nothing else, interval training certainly raises your heart rate and works your muscles.
Despite my fears, I feel quite confident out running - I'm sure I look like a complete fool, but it makes me feel good to accomplish something good for my body.  Afterwards, despite being tired I feel quite energised and alert (must be the blood getting to my brain!) almost like I can take on anything.

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