Monday, January 24, 2011


I am a 28 year old female living in Melbourne, Victoria.  I have 2 children and a wonderful husband.
I am not a fit person.  I am overweight/obese and have avoided exercise and physical activities my whole life.  I have tried losing weight but am never very successful.  After the birth of my first daughter I even decided to join Fernwood (women's gym) because I was determined to be in the best possible shape I could be for my baby... I went for about 8 weeks and didn't go back again for the duration of my 1 year membership.  Not only was it a huge waste of money, it was a wasted opportunity.  The problem with gyms is that people like me never fit in.  They are for people who look like they don't need a gym.  I'm sure I am exaggerating, but in my mind everyone else there was a size 8.  I found this very deflating and discouraging.
Since that time (over 5 years ago) I have had some half-hearted attempts at dieting - cutting out fats, reducing carbs, etc but my biggest downfall is my lack of exercise.
Even as far back as my school days, I just wasn't the sporting type.  In my time at high school I managed Ds for Physical Education - not for want of trying.  I just couldn't run, I could swim but not very well, I could throw or kick a ball but not very far.  I was the kid that the sports teachers loathed.
My whole life I have said "I don't run".  That is until I read about a program called Couch to 5k.  The program is designed to build up gradually from not running at all to running 5kms non-stop in 9 weeks.  Apparently anyone can do it, so I thought "why not?".  I downloaded the podcasts that match the program so that while I am out pounding the pavement I can have something to listen to and motivate me.  I also purchased a supportive sports bra to minimise the bounce, as well as 3/4 Slazenger pants and a Bolle sleeveless top so that hopefully I can look semi-stylish as I take on this challenge that I'm sure won't look pretty!
This year is a year of challenges for me.  What could be more of a challenge to me than to become physically fit?
My aim is that by then end of 20eleven I will be able to say "I run".

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